540 species of birds including the Long Beaked Black Cockatoo Baudin. Of these around 15 are endemic to the state. The best areas for birds are the southwestern corner of the state and the area around Broome and the Kimberley.Birdwatching
The Flora of WA, comprises 9437 published native vascular plant species of 1543 genera within 226 families, there are also 1171 naturalised alien or invasive plant species more commonly known as weeds. In the south west region are some of the largest numbers of plant species for its area in the world.
William Henry Harvey published a five-volume Phycologia Australia, which was issued in parts between 1858 and 1863. He earned the title of father of Australian Phycology. His main collection is in the herbarium of Trinity College Dublin; there is also a large collection of his specimens in the Ulster Museum, Belfast.